Wednesday 12 December 2012

"Good Bye Mr.Chips' Short Questions

Q.25. What did Chips tell Mrs.Wickett about Major Collingwood? 
Ans: He told her that once he had punished Collinwood for climbing on to the gymnasium roof to get a ball out of the gutter. He might have broken his neck.                                           
Q.26.How did Chips feel in the company of women?
Ans: Chips did not care for women. He never felt at ease with them. He considered the new woman of the nineties such a monstrous creature that filled him with horror. 
Q.27. How did Katherine Bridges look?
Ans: She had blue flashing eyes and freckled cheeks and smooth straw- colored hair. 
Q.28. What did Katherine think about women’s right?
Ans: She believed that women ought to be admitted to the universities. She even thought that they ought to have a vote. 
Q.29. Why did Chips not like Bernard Shaw and Ibsen and cycling?
Ans: Chips was a conventional person. He did not like Bernard Shaw Ibsen for there disturbing plays. He d id not like women taking up bicycling because he was against the freedom of women.                                          
Q.30. What did Chips see while climbing on Great Gable?
Ans: One day, climbing on Great Gable, he saw a girl waving excitedly from a dangerous-looking ledge. 
Q.31. Why did Katherine begin to like Chips?
Ans: She began to like Chips because he had gentle and quiet manners. She liked his honest views though they were out-dated. She also liked his brown charming, eyes. 
Q.32. What was the profession of Katherine?
Ans: She was a governess out of job but she had already saved a little money. 
Q.33. What were the political views of Katherine?
Ans: In politics, she had radical views. She was impressed by the people like Bernard Shaw and William Morris. 
Q.35. Where and with whom did Chips go during the summer vacation of 1896?
Ans: He with his colleague Rowden went up to the Lake District.
Q.36.What did Katherine say to Chips on the night before wedding?
Ans: She said that she felt like a new by beginning his first term with Chips. She asked if she should call him ‘Sir’ or ‘Mr. Chips’ would be right. Then she said, “Good-Bye Mr. Chips”. 
Q.37. What did Chips remember about the time he spent with Katherine in Lake District?
Ans: He remembered the evening strolls with her. He remembered her cool voice and gay laughter. She had always been a happy person. They had been so eager, planning a future together, but he had been a bit serious about it, even a little awed.                                            
Q.38.     Where was Katherine married from?
Ans: She had no parents. She was married from the house of an aunt in Ealing.
Q.39.Was Katherine pleased with Chips being a teacher?
Ans: She enjoyed living among the boys. She was happy that Chips was a teacher and not a lawyer or a broker or a dentist or a big businessman. She liked teaching profession. 
Q.40. What influence did Katherine Bridges exercise on Chips?
Ans: Katherine exerted a great influence upon Chips. She made him a new man. She broadened his views and opinion. Before marriage, Chips was a dry person. She made him affectionate and kind. His eyes gained sparkle. His humour became mature. He became popular. 
Q.41. Describe the quarrel between Ralston and Chips?
Ans: One day, Ralston asked Chips to retire. He said that Chips’ methods of teaching were slack and old-fashioned. His habits were slovenly. He disobeyed him. His pronunciation was wrong. He was slack and obstinate. Chips flamed up to hear this. He refused to retire. 
   Q.42.Write a note on Chips’ humour?
Ans: Chips had a keen a sense of humour. He amused people with his little witty jokes. Every body waited for his new joke. His humour was harmless. 
Q.43. What was Chips performance as a teacher before marriage?
Ans: The teacher feel bore in teaching the same lesson for years. So was the case with Chips before marriage. He worked well. He gave service, satisfaction, and confidence, everything except inspiration. 
Q.44. What kind of fellow was Mr. Chips before marriage?
Ans: Before marriage, he had been a dry a natural sort of person. He was liked in general in Brookfield but he had nothing to be popular and loved. 
Q.45. How much popular was Katherine in Brookfield?
Ans: She was very popular with boys and masters alike. She won Brookfield as she had won Chips.
Q.46. Was Katherine more intelligent than Chips?
Ans: She was sharper than he. He could not reject her ideas even when he disagreed to them.
Q.47. What changes did Katherine bring in Chips?
Ans: She made him a new man. His eyes gained sparkle. His humor became rich and mature, He began to feel strong. His discipline improved. He became popular. 
 Q.48. Did Katherine always pleads Chips for leniency?
Ans: No, on rare occasions, she urged him on strictness when he inclined to be forgiving. She asked him to punish the rude and arrogant type of boys.  
Q.49. What memories of Katherine haunted Chips?
Ans: In his memory, he saw Katherine rushing along the stone corridors, laughing at some mistake in the essay he checked, taking part in the concerts, and tending him her good advice.

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